9th Annual Conference of the Global Studies Association, Oxford Brookes University, 2008
OXFORD XXI hosted a discussion panel on ‘Cultural Identity and Music‘ at the Cultures and/of Globalization event at Oxford Brookes University, Department of International Relations, Politics and Sociology, Centre for Democracy Studies
Chair: Karl-Erik Norrman, Secretary General, European Cultural Parliament, Germany; Director of Cultural Relations, Music Mind Spirit Trust, UK.
The full list of speakers is as follows:
- Karl-Erik Norrman, (Secretary General, European Cultural Parliament, Germany; Director of Cultural Relations, Music Mind Spirit Trust, UK): Some reflections on opera and cultural identities in a new century.
- Dee Isaacs (Department of Music, School of Arts, Culture and Environment, University of Edinburgh, UK) Music in the community: European and Global context. Challenges for the XXI century
- Professor June Boyce-Tillman (University of Winchester, UK) Music and Conflict Transformation: Harmonies and Dissonances in Global Identities.
- Dr Chika Robertson (Music Mind Spirit Trust, UK) Song Trees: Tunes of the local communities.
- Dr Lyudmila Nurse (Oxford XXI, UK) Cultural identities in inter-generational perspective
The main papers from the conference are published in, Barrie Axford and Richard Huggins (eds.) (2011) Culture and / of Globalisation, Barrie, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
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